MedSpa Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic

MedSpa Aesthetic, Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Clinic in Delhi is a skin care and laser clinic in India. We use latest technology in our treatments. We have a team of well skilled dermatologists and laser therapist. The clinic is located in South Delhi whic

The Ultimate Guide to Liposuction: What You Need to Know Before Undergoing the Procedure

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that has been around for several decades. It involves the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks, through a suction process. While liposuction can be an effective way to achieve a more toned and sculpted body, it's essential to understand what the procedure entails and what you can expect before making a decision. In this guide, we'll provide you with all the information you need to know about liposuction.

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body using a suction device called a cannula. The cannula is inserted into the skin through small incisions, and the fat is suctioned out using a vacuum pump or a syringe. Liposuction can be performed on various areas of the body, including the abdomen, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, and neck.


Who is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

Liposuction is not a weight loss solution and should not be considered as such. Instead, it's designed for individuals who have localized areas of excess fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. The best candidates for liposuction are:

- Adults with stable weight and good overall health
- Individuals with firm and elastic skin that will conform to their new shape after surgery
- People with realistic expectations about the results they can achieve through liposuction
- Patients who understand that liposuction is not a substitute for healthy lifestyle choices


What Should I Expect During and After Liposuction Surgery?

During liposuction surgery, patients will be placed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation depending on the extent of the procedure. The surgeon will make small incisions in the skin and insert the cannula into each area being treated. The fat will then be suctioned out using a vacuum pump or syringe. The entire procedure typically takes several hours depending on how many areas are being treated. After surgery, patients will be monitored in a recovery room until they are stable enough to go home. They may experience some pain, swelling, and bruising in the treated area, which should subside within several weeks. Patients will also need to wear compression garments for several weeks to help reduce swelling and promote healing. It's essential to follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon to ensure a smooth recovery process.


Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that can help individuals achieve their desired body shape by removing excess fat from specific areas of the body. However, it's essential to understand what liposuction entails and what you can expect before making a decision. By working closely with your surgeon and following all post-operative instructions carefully, you can ensure a successful outcome from your liposuction procedure. Remember that liposuction is not a substitute for healthy lifestyle choices but rather an adjunctive treatment that can help you achieve your goals when combined with diet and exercise.

Book your appointment today and take the first step towards your dream body!
📞 Contact us today at +91-9958221983 to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a more confident you! Don't settle for anything less than exceptional results. Let's create a body you'll love! 

Do You Know All About Mommy Makeover!!!


mommy makeover

Actually what is Mommy Makeover……as the name suggests, mommies getting a makeover but this one is not in a beauty salon but at a medical salon/ clinical treatment.




Once a young mother meets ad consults the expert that she is interested in a mommy makeover, the consultant will educate the concerned mother about the pros and the cons and the precautions to be taken and then the medical treatment is initiated after conducting necessary medical tests.


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Is it for overall body or specific body parts?


Generally it is performed for abdomen and breasts as these are the two body parts which are affected to a great degree, during pregnancy and post pregnancy and go through many phases of changes.

However, as we understand that all individuals are different wherein our bodies react different to a similar situation, so if the fat deposits or weight gain has affected other body parts which might cause concern to the mother in terms of her appearance or health then liposuction might be done.


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Is it Safe?


It is absolutely safe but as it is a minimal invasive surgery the patient needs to take extreme care of healing, hygiene and dietary habits, as any effort or treatment can go waste if not properly cared for post surgery.


Is it one only on women who are new, young mothers or it can be conducted even few years later after delivery? Or alternatively how soon after delivery can someone get a Mommy Makeover?


  1. You must have recovered from childbirth first


The first milestone that mothers must hit before becoming candidates for plastic surgery is that they must have first fully recovered from childbirth. For uncomplicated deliveries, the general precaution is that mothers need a minimum of 7-8 weeks to recover from a vaginal birth, and 10-12 weeks to recover from a C-section. But if you had a difficult delivery or experienced other childbirth or postpartum complications, it is advised that you wait longer to ensure you’ve fully recovered from your delivery before any surgery is performed.


  1. Milk production should have stopped for at least 3 to 6 months before having breast surgery performed


  1. You need to be at or close to your ideal weight to have a tummy tuck Surgery- Physical workout or exercise is always highly recommended by doctors and experts after consultation for all the mothers once they have fully recovered from child birth as it has greater effect on the physical and mental well being of the patient and it is also keeps the person motivated.

  2. Women who intend to get this surgery done should be certain that they have completed their families before undergoing a Mommy Makeover.

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I had done My Breast Reduction Surgery by Dr. Ajaya Kashyap

breast reduction surgery in Delhi

good experience

Hello... Everyone my name is Kriti. I had done My Breast Reduction Surgery by Dr. Ajaya Kashyap.

It was a very good experience. Everyone here is very cheerful and helpful. Everything here is convenient. I would like to thank everybody here who treated me very well and made me feel very comfortable. Thank you each one of you. I am very glad and blessed to have been treated here.


Thank you so much for sharing your experience.

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weeding treatment in Delhi

Your new life will be started when you are getting married with someone. Before marriage you do lots of thing to look beautiful in bridal dress. Wedding is most beautiful part of our life. Many men or women have some dream and they want to complete their desire. Wedding is best time to go for a cosmetic surgery which is help you to maintain your figure, shape and your whole body.

Men and women have lots of concerns, issues and problem they are facing. Like-

  • They have lot amount of body fat.
  • Some women have large and small breasts.
  • Some women and men have acne on their face.
  • Some have dark circle under eyes.
  • Some have droopy and saggy eyes.

These are some basic problem which they have facing in their daily lifestyle. They want to solution to get rid from. They start searching best cosmetic surgeon who knows the problems and give them solution.


If you want to reduce your body fat before a wedding, then liposuction is best choice for you. Liposuction is permanent, Quick and safe procedure for those patients who looking to treat excess fat. It is performed alone and combined with other procedures both Surgical and Non-surgical. It’s believed to work best on people with a normal weight and good skin elasticity. Liposuction is generally used to change the body’s shape.

If you want to augmentation and reduction before a wedding, then breast augmentation and reduction is good option for you. Breast is a most important part of female body. Many women aren’t happy with their breast size and shape for such women breast augmentation is the best option, it is safe, result oriented and long lasting. Breast Augmentation also helps you to improve the balance of your figures, enhance your body-image and self-confidence.

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Many women feel self-conscious of our over-sized breasts. For those women who have heavy, sagging breasts with low nipples, poor self-image related to large breasts, if she is suffering from back, neck and shoulder pain, she is facing difficulty fitting into bras and clothing and feel difficulty to sleep then go for a breast reduction surgery it is good option for you. It’s also helping you to improve your self-image, self- confidence and your ability to participate in physical activities.

If you want to acne free skin before a wedding, then give your skin a healthy and refreshed look choose chemical peels treatment. It reduces your age sports, acne, dark patches and freckles and gives you best look that you want. Chemical peels are cosmetic treatment. It is an acid solution that applies to the skin and dissolves the outer layer of skin cells. Chemical peels can be done on the face, neck or hands.

If you want to give refresh look and treat your dark circle before a wedding, then fillers and carboxy therapy is good choice for you. Under eye circles can be caused by much different type of things like lack of sleep, sinus problems, sun exposure, age, smoking, allergies and even genetics. If you are facing this issue and feel tried or any remedies or medication are not work on your dark circles, then we have a solution for you. In Our clinic we have a carboxytherapy for the dark circles.

The eyelid surgery is purely safe procedure. It’s aims to correcting any sort deformities, defects which are seen to affect a person’s eyelids and gives you instant results. After removing excess skin from eyelids, you feel smoothness in underlying eye and tightness also.

These are some surgeries for you when you are planning to wedding. With MedSpa say bye bye to these issues. Come and consult with Triple American Board Certified Plastic Surgeon “Dr. Ajaya Kashyap” he is the best cosmetic and plastic surgeon in these surgeries. He listens your concerns and helps you to get rid from.

For more information visit our sites: - and you can contact us also.


The Breast Lift Surgery Is Really Helpful - Know How!


With so many different forms of cosmetic surgeries available nowadays, it is quite evident that there is almost no beauty problem that people should suffer with forever. The bosoms are one of the most necessary and important assets for any woman. And they completely make sure that they do not have to suffer from any problem related to the same.

One of the major problems with the bosom is no doubt that it is often not in perfect shape. Also at times it tends to sag. This is only one reason why the women must get through with the breast lift surgery. This is not the breast augmentation though.

But then if it is about the perfect shape then why not breast augmentation? Well there are multiple reasons why. Many of the best specialists believe in the same as well.

Related: MEDSPA Clinic Preferred Destination for Breast Lift, Buttock Lift and Breast Reduction Surgery in Delhi

The reasons why the breast lift surgery is the best:

Following are the various reasons why this surgery is the best:

  • At times, the breast though in perfect shape, has yet sagged. This is a minor problem and can be easily corrected with the help of the breast lift surgery nevertheless. Of course, this is one surgery that makes sure that the best possible shape of the breasts is retained of course. It will completely make sure that one doesn’t have to complain about the sagging anymore.
  • Costs less of course! This procedure is definitely less costly than that of the breast augmentation. This is only why getting this done can in fact help the women monetarily as well. This will help them save a lot.
  • This procedure is very safe and of course there will be no issue of allergenic reactions and any other problem. Of course, one must also look for the best plastic surgeons who can help in the first place. This will ensure proper safety.
  • One can absolutely guarantee that this procedure will help them get through with the best results. This procedure will help them in ensuring that the breast lift is exactly what they will get. Also, this will be serving the purpose for a very long time, nevertheless.

With proper help, one can absolutely achieve great results nevertheless.

Proper selection:

Selecting the best available specialists isn’t a rocket science. The first thing that can be done is taking references. If an immediate family member or neighbour has gone through with the same, then things can nevertheless be great!

Of course, one must understand that the selection must be based on reputation and not to forget, the experience as well. With the best selection one can get through with the most efficient procedure for sure. Also, the transparency will be taken care of. Getting a good breast lift surgery is exactly what you must aim for!

We are a trust-worthy group assisting foreign patients with affordable treatment; contact us at +91-9818369662 or I


Symptoms That Help People Recognize The Gynecomastia Right Away!


At times people may suffer from diseases while at times they may end up with some medical conditions instead. One of the most common problem or medical condition that men can suffer from is most definitely gynecomastia.

This condition creates bosoms on men. And this is almost equivalent to that of the women except for the milking features. And this is no doubt one of the most embarrassing moments that the men can go through nevertheless.

Recognizing the gynecomastia is quite easy. But it should be done as fast as possible. This way the progress of the condition can be brought to an abrupt halt nevertheless.

Related: Why Male Breast Reduction in Delhi Treatment is taking Heights?

The various signs that help:

Following are the various signs that will help in recognition of the condition:

  • The puffed up breasts:

This is nowhere near to the chest. Of course, it is quite distinctly visible and easily comparable as well. One must always ensure that the moment they see something like this, they must immediately get through with the best specialists for the advice. This will help them in the best possible way of course.

  • Itchiness near the nipples:

This is of course another important symptom that will help. Common itching problems and this has a difference of course. And this is absolutely one reason why one must get through with the best available doctors for the same.

  • Red patches:

This is also another of the most important symptoms that people must be absolutely aware of. This is also one very underlying medical condition that must be addressed before it’s too late.

There are many other symptoms as well. But then again these are the most common symptoms.

Related: Check Out the Cosmetic Surgery for Men Usually Undergo

The best solution:

If there is a problem, no doubt there will be an eligible solution as well. With the gynecomastia surgery, the solution is pretty real! One can absolutely get through with the best available results with this surgery for sure.

In this procedure an eligible and certified plastic surgeon gets rid of the fat in and around the chest area. This is one of the most necessary things to do. Of course, they help in lifting the chest as well.

One must opt for this surgery because of various reasons. The very first reason being the fact that one can bid adieu to the problem forever. And of course one must realize that this treatment is nevertheless a guarantee to the same.


Selection of the surgeons though must be proper. One must carefully evaluate every step that they are taking when it comes to the section of the same. The best available surgeons must be exceptionally experienced and also will come with an unmalleable repute as well. This is the only thing that will help people ensure that they are in safe hands.


We are a trust-worthy group assisting foreign patients with affordable treatment; contact us at +91-9818369662 or |


The Various Types Of Rhinoplasty Surgeries That People Must Know Of!


The cosmetic surgeries are definitely the most famous surgeries in the world nowadays! There are various things that people want to get rid of or change in their body for sure. This is one of the major reasons why one of the best opted for cosmetic surgery is that of the rhinoplasty surgery.

This is one of the most popular surgeries especially amongst the women. Of course, this surgery has some of the best benefits for them. One of the major reasons why people opt for this surgery is because they simply do not like the shape of their nose.

But then again before opting for it, there are few things that people must know about it absolutely. The best plastic surgeons always opt for the 4 most common methods of the rhinoplasty surgery.

Related: Why Choosing The Best Available Rhinoplasty Surgeons Matter?

The 4 different types of surgeries:

Following are the four different types of rhinoplasty surgery that people must know of:

  • The open surgery: Here the surgery is absolutely visible by the surgeon as they completely open up the nose. The cartilages as well as the flesh. This makes the surgery easy for them and of course one of the most famous types that people must opt for as well.
  • The close surgery: This is done from inside the nose and then the steps follow as done in the open surgery. One must completely understand that this is one procedure that is opted for the least, yet it is very successful as well.
  • The revision surgery: This is one of the best surgeries that people can opt for when they need a surgery the second time as well. Of course, the revision surgery is thus named as the secondary surgery.
  • The filler process: This involves no surgery. And instead the surgeons fill up the nose with various fillers. The nose job cost isn’t too much and thus one can absolutely ensure that they can have this process without much pocket pinch.

Related: Facts about the Rhinoplasty Surgery in Delhi and its Growing Demand

The best available surgeries can be availed from good doctors in Delhi, India.

We are a trust-worthy group assisting foreign patients with affordable treatment; contact us at +91-9818369662 or |